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  • Writer's pictureGary Maudlin

...Holistic Inspiration

Holistic Therapies, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Reiki,

Holistic Inspiration aims to provide you with high quality treatments to help maintain a self-healing routine that will benefit your mind, body and spirit at prices you can afford.

The therapy room at Holistic Inspiration is private, comfortable and relaxing. Music is played during a treatment but if you feel it does not suit you please let me know.

At Holistic Inspiration I offer a wide range of treatments and therapies so it's an idea to find out for yourself how each therapy makes you and your mind feel before, during and even after a treatment. Some treatments will combine elements of Reiki, Reflexology or Aromatherapy. Not every therapy out there will resonate with you but once you find the ones that do, you'll gain the most beneficial health changes that you will want to incorporate in your lifestyle permanently. To receive a treatment an appointment has to be made via text message, telephone, or message via my Facebook business page.

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